Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Review: Smartchord

The second in my reviews for beginner guitar players. Smartchord is a great all rounder ap. There are so many features here.

The thing I like most about this ap is the ability to design your own excercises. So you can practice scales, arpeggios,chord transitions and picking patterns ect. It even has an ear trainer and a fretboard trainer.
The chord progressions is just one example of this. You can program in your own progressions to practice and turn them into speed training excercise or set a timer to practice them at a steady tempo. This makes it really useful for drilling new chords or for getting a song programmed into your muscle memory.
It has a huge database of chords and fingerings. So you can look for alternate ways to play what you are looking for. But you can also ask it to narrow down what it suggests to just your favourites, to just Barre chords, to just CAGED fingering. There are so many ways to search and filter it can be a little overwhelming.

And if that's not enough you can add custom chords.
So far the only thing that's missing from the ap in my opinion is interval training on the ear trainer. However the developers are really receptive to feature suggestions and really helpful if your struggling with something.

In summary this is a great all rounder ap loaded with features and is constantly developing.

Cost: free to £17.99 (Unlimited)
The free version is good and has lots for beginners. You can buy the premium version of features individually or they regularly do offers for bundles. But I'd recommend buying the Unlimited version for access to everything. It's expensive for an ap but you'll get a lot of ap for that money.

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