Friday, 4 September 2020

A brain full of pandas!!

I've had a revelation that I have pandas in my brain*!! I've always known I'm weird. I struggled with things that others seem to find easy and people look at me like I'm an alien when I explain something that makes perfect sense to me (like brain pandas) . But I'm probably just just weird that doesn't mean there is something "wrong" with me. After all I didn't struggle with school I just didn't live up to my potential. I wasn't badly behaved just over emotional and impulsive. I had plenty of freinds even if I always felt a bit disconnected from people. I can be very organised and productive its just something I have to work at instead of it being natural. 

But recently looking the things other women shared about their Adhd I started to realise its all just a bit too familiar. So I took the prediagnosis screening test and came out with a very high probability that I have it. This doesn't mean I definitely do and I'm not even sure whether I'll even try to get an official diagnosis but it's given me a way to start to tackle some of the brick walls I keep running into. Knowing that the pandas are there means I can start learning all about how to care for pandas. 

*So why is my brain full of pandas? Someone on the Women with Adhd Reddit shared this video and its made me not hate my brain quite as much

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