Monday, 17 August 2020

The names Lex (Alexandra if your fancy)

Once upon a time there was a girl who really hated her name. One morning she woke up and decided she was going to change it. And then she lived happily ever after (or maybe not but I can dream).

After many years (my whole life) of not liking my name I've decided to finally change it. The only person I thought might not like this is mum but her reaction was "Well I don't like my name either I just thought I was stuck with it". 

As I'm using one of my given names anyway I could just tell everyone to use it and not legally change my name but I've decided to drop Karen totally. In theory this is simple you just write out a deed poll get it witnessed and tell everyone to use your new name. There isn't any legal process you need to go through but you can enroll the deed poll which makes it more official. 

So in theory simple but in practice its about a tonne of paperwork and I'm slowly working my way through it. Every organisation seems to have different requirements of what proof they need. But once I get a few key bits of ID changed it will be simpler to change everything else. Now I just need to get used to being Lex.

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